Princess of The Hood!

Someone gave me that title yesterday…and still to this very moment I’m finding it very odd.

He (yeah…it was a guy) said it was because I’m good with computers, good with kids and don’t fuck with anybody around here, I do it all.

I broke down everything he said: Good with computers: I have my dad and time to thank for that. I get asked for resumes, taxes, and sometimes setting things together. I’ve learned a lot by wanting to do things for myself instead of waiting for someone else to do them for me.

Good with kids…yeah that is my job and people on my street either call me Miss Cherie (and I try to tell them they don’t have to be so formal!) or Teacher. My job was down the block but it’s not. I guess it’s nice to be known as the lady whom you’d trust your kids to learn from

Not messing with anyone is that I’m socially reclusive by nature: I work, go home, visit my mom, sis and occasionally my aunts and friend that lives upstairs. That’s it. Can’t say I know all my neighbors in my building. You’ll only know my movements if I choose to tell them.

Truth of the matter is, there’s no princess. I’ve never changed from being that girl that some thought I was “a goody two-shoes” “not hood enough girl”.  Which doesn’t make me better than anyone else, all I am… is myself.